Tornado Weekly: April 8-14, 2012 A much-touted tornado outbreak arrived on April 14 as a strong upper-level low pushed out into the Plains. Kansas was…
Videos from the April 13, April 14 and April 15, 2012 Tornado Outbreak Sequence A major outbreak of tornadoes -- centered on Kansas -- hit the Plains in mid-April. Numerous strong tornadoes occurred in…
Tornado Chasing: Q&A with Veteran Storm Chaser Amos Magliocco Amos Magliocco caught his first supercell in 1996, and has been hooked ever since. Currently residing in the southern part…
F0/EF-0 through F5/EF-5 U.S. Tornado Trends, Plus a Look at Oklahoma and Alabama Over the past few weeks there have been a number of searches for graphs showing F0/EF-0 through F5/EF-5 tornado trends since records…
Violent F4/EF-4 and F5/EF-5 Tornadoes in the United States since 1950 Combined, violent tornadoes make up a still rather meager 1 percent of all tornadoes, but they caused 64 percent of…
Tornado Weekly: April 1-7, 2012 The first week of April was dominated by a tornado outbreak around Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas on the 3rd.…
U.S. Tornadoes: The Month of April by the Numbers Tornado season ramps up quite strongly during April, but the month is often defined by substantial outbreaks intermixed with quieter…
The April 3, 2012 Dallas/Fort Worth Tornado Outbreak Compared to Past Events As seen in the map posted yesterday, if it’s April, north Texas sure looks like a hot spot for tornado…
Tornado Weekly: March 25-31, 2012 The final week of March was one full of minor tornado threats, but very little in the way of eventual…
Significant tornado days, 1981-2010 Last week, we took a first crack at total (F0/EF0+) tornado days in the U.S. during the current 1991-2010 averaging…
F5/EF-5 Tornadoes: The 0.1 Percenters that Can’t be Ignored F5/EF-5 tornadoes are a force of nature most folks hope to never come face-to-face with. From 1950-2010, they made up…
Tornado Weekly: March 18-24, 2012 On March 18, 2012 one of the first Plains storm chase opportunities of the year focused on the Texas panhandle…