May 25, 2012 Storm Chase

13 years ago members Ian Livingston and Mark Ellinwood were out chasing in late May, when they landed upon a beautiful tail-end…

Map: U.S. Tornadoes by County, 1950-2011

13 years ago

Almost the entire United States has been impacted by tornadoes in modern history. Our county map for all months gives…

Tornado Threat Forecast: May 21-27, 2012

13 years ago

1-3 DAY Monday Southern High Plains --- POTENTIAL: Low --- CONFIDENCE: High An isolated tornado or two are possible within…

Tornado Weekly: May 13-19, 2012

13 years ago

Another quiet week compared to your typical May. Some photogenic and powerful tornadoes touched down in Kansas though.

Tornado Threat Forecast: May 17-23, 2012

13 years ago

1-3 DAY Thursday No tornadic activity expected. Friday Northern Plains --- POTENTIAL: Very Low--- CONFIDENCE: Normal Low shear and low…

May 2012 has been a quiet month for tornadoes, but will that trend continue?

13 years ago

May is typically the peak month for tornadoes in the United States. Not in 2012. In fact, tornadoes were generally…

Tornado Threat Forecast: May 14-20, 2012

13 years ago

1-3 DAY Monday West Texas --- POTENTIAL: Medium --- CONFIDENCE: Normal An upper-level low will provide the stage for tornadic…

Tornado Weekly: May 6-12, 2012

13 years ago

The week of May 6 was a relative breeze when it comes to tornadoes across the United States. The main…

Significant May Tornadoes in the United States

13 years ago

Roughly 20 percent of the 12,349 tornadoes in May (1950-2011) were significant. That's a hard count of 2,435 tornadoes. Since…

Tornado Threat Forecast: May 10-16, 2012

13 years ago

1-3 DAY Thursday Southern Texas --- POTENTIAL: Medium --- CONFIDENCE: High Low to moderate CAPE and moderate to high shear…