members Ian Livingston and Mark Ellinwood were out chasing in late May, when they landed upon a beautiful tail-end…
Almost the entire United States has been impacted by tornadoes in modern history. Our county map for all months gives…
1-3 DAY Monday Southern High Plains --- POTENTIAL: Low --- CONFIDENCE: High An isolated tornado or two are possible within…
Another quiet week compared to your typical May. Some photogenic and powerful tornadoes touched down in Kansas though.
1-3 DAY Thursday No tornadic activity expected. Friday Northern Plains --- POTENTIAL: Very Low--- CONFIDENCE: Normal Low shear and low…
May is typically the peak month for tornadoes in the United States. Not in 2012. In fact, tornadoes were generally…
1-3 DAY Monday West Texas --- POTENTIAL: Medium --- CONFIDENCE: Normal An upper-level low will provide the stage for tornadic…
The week of May 6 was a relative breeze when it comes to tornadoes across the United States. The main…
Roughly 20 percent of the 12,349 tornadoes in May (1950-2011) were significant. That's a hard count of 2,435 tornadoes. Since…
1-3 DAY Thursday Southern Texas --- POTENTIAL: Medium --- CONFIDENCE: High Low to moderate CAPE and moderate to high shear…