Tornado News Tornado Outbreaks Tornado Videos

Videos from the May 9-10, 2015 tornado outbreaks

The tornadoes keep on coming. It’s May, but the past week has been a sizable one even by peak-season standards.

Regional tornado outbreaks took place across parts of the High Plains and southern Plains on Saturday, May 9. The numbers for that part of the event look to end up in the several dozen range. Even held back a tad by a morning round of storms that cut out the middle threat zone, it still ended up rather widespread.

Tornadoes picked back up early Sunday in South Dakota, and additional touchdowns occurred in Iowa as well as Texas and Oklahoma. The two day tally is now over 70 reports.

As videos trickle in with this system, we’ll update this post.

May 9

Cisco, Texas

East of Abilene

This tornado appeared particularly strong given imagery and damage pictures. It caused one death near Cisco.

Carbon, Texas

East of Abilene

Lindsay, Texas

West of Gainesville

Chivington, Colorado

Northeast of La Junta

Eads, Colorado

Northeast of La Junta

Above: From Eads to Cheyenne Wells, and KS tornadoes at night.

Cheyenne Wells, Colorado

Northeast of La Junta

Collyer, Kansas

West of Hays

Oakley, Kansas

East of Goodland

Grinnell, Kansas

East of Goodland

May 10

Delmont, South Dakota

Southwest of Sioux Falls

Denton, Texas

North of Fort Worth

Inwood, Iowa

Southeast of Sioux Falls, SD

Lake City, Iowa

Northwest of Des Moines

Posted: 10:35a CDT May 10. Last updated: 9:45p CDT May 10.

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Information lead and forecaster for the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

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