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U.S. Tornadoes, the flickr photo group

"Tornadic supercell near Deer Trail, CO, with its first tornado on the ground beneath mothership structure." -Brett Roberts (brettjrob on flickr)

Pictures of tornadoes are usually pretty amazing, right? We think so.

We’ve recently started up a group on flickr called (of course) U.S. Tornadoes, where people can tag their tornado and/or supercell photos to show them off to other folks who find the imagery fascinating. It will also give the photographer a chance to have their pictures featured here on the site. Since we’re not a full-time storm chasing team, or folks trying to make a living off our own photography, we’re more than happy to help others get their great shots out there! All photos used on the site will get full attribution (as best possible through a flickr username) and a link back to the source on flickr.

Already, we’re excited to have one of the most talented storm chaser/photographer combos in the Plains submitting photos to the group. The photo above is by Brett Roberts. He’s a meteorology student who has managed to capture many brilliant images during his years of chasing. He’s helped get the group populated with the type of imagery we’re hoping to see more of, and placed about a dozen photos into it from previous years.

We’d encourage everyone to not only look through Brett’s entries in the group, but also his larger collection and web site that also includes chase accounts from the last few years!

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Information lead and forecaster for the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

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