Tornado Outbreaks Tornado Videos

Videos from the November 17, 2013 tornado outbreak

A major “second season” tornado outbreak struck parts of the Midwest, Tennessee and Ohio valleys on Sunday. The outbreak will likely go down as the largest of 2013.

Related: November tornado climatology of the United States

The event contained at least two confirmed violent tornadoes that passed through New Minden and Washington, IL. These are the first violent tornadoes in November since 2011 in Oklahoma. They’re also the only violent tornadoes on record in Illinois during the month.

Here are some of the most intense tornado videos from the event…

The Washington, IL through Dana, IL videos are all likely from the same supercell.

Related: A November tornado outbreak for the record books

Near or in Washington, Illinois (continued)

Related: Violent F4/EF-4 and F5/EF-5 Tornadoes in the United States since 1950

Roanoke, Illinois

Benson, Illinois

Near El Paso, Illinois

This video was geotagged to El Paso at upload and is believed to be the same tornado that hit Washington

Dana, Illinois

Tuscola, Illinois

Storm chaser takes a direct hit from a tornado…

Coal City, Illinois

Classic tornado development structure.

Irvington, Illinois

Washington, Indiana

Outer circulation of a tornado impacts a radio station in Indiana.

Decker, Indiana

In and near Lebanon, Indiana

**This post will be updated through at least the next few days as videos come in**

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Information lead and forecaster for the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

6 thoughts on “Videos from the November 17, 2013 tornado outbreak

  1. I’ve been a longtime reader of the site, thanks for the site and the great compilation! I have to say I find (as a chaser) I find many of these videos troubling. Too many of these video shooters have no situational awareness and should therefore be taking cover instead of staring through their phone. Scary…

    1. Thanks!

      Yes, I agree with your thought there–it’s pretty common in tornado video from the “public.” I think part of it is that tornadoes are kind of magnetic in their raw power and beauty.. as chasers of course know. I have often wondered how I would react with one in my neighborhood.

  2. I was injured by a tornado in Minnonk IL on this day. I was a semi truck driver at this time and my truck got picked up while I was sleeping. I got injured but I am okay now. Every so often I research this day to see if there are new videos or reports from Minnonk. I was knocked unconscious when it happened and was in and out for 10 hours. I have really been searching for pictures and videos or even eye witness accounts from when it hit me. I have always wanted to know exactly what happened. Also there were several people at the Pilot truck stop that helped me. I have always wanted to let them know how much I appreciate what they did. Did you happen to get any info from Minnonk? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I actually am A survivor of the EF4 tornado that hit Washington IL. Not the New Minden one but it was very unnerving when I saw the tornado coming down my street.

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