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Talking #Twister on Twitter

Twister (1996, Warner Brothers)

In May, it will be 17 years since Twister hit theaters. The movie, along with other advances in technology, helped catapult tornado chasing into the public space. It also undoubtedly inspired many to go into meteorology as a profession, or to get out there and witness nature at its most incredible.

Way back then, the Internet was still being invented (dial up, ugh), and world-renowned social media sites like Twitter were a decade from rising to prominence. A shame, right? 1990s adventure film mischief — mixed with a little bad science — almost always equals a real winner. Twister is perhaps among the best on those counts.

Fortunately, last night, ABC Family ran a bit of a Twister marathon and Twitter members responded in their typically witty fashion.  We compiled a bunch of the tweets, which are reproduced below. Almost as good as watching the movie… again and again and again. And again.

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Information lead and forecaster for the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

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