Tornado Chasing Tornado History Tornado Videos

The early days of storm chasing video

Tornado chasing is believed to have solid roots back to at least the 1950s. David Hoadley and Roger Jensen are thought of as among the first storm chasers in the Plains.

However, it wasn’t until the 1970s and 1980s that chasers, both research oriented and increasingly recreational, started catching moving imagery (on film and eventually video tape) of tornadoes at greater regularity. It was also around that time when storm chasing began to emerge into public light. Programing about tornadoes, and the growing ease of video capture with the advent of mass-produced recorders helped accelerate interest. Twister‘s appearance in 1996 brought the chase mass attention, and the Internet revolution to follow helped the hunt go mainstream.

Below are some of the “great chases” of the period…

August 30, 1974 – Great Bend, Kansas F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Bob Dundas

June 6, 1975 – Freedom, Oklahoma F1 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Jim Leonard / First known footage of an anticyclonic tornado

April 30, 1978 – Piedmont, OK F4 (tornadoes that day)
Video: NSSL / First tornado recorded on video tape

April 10, 1979 – Seymour, Texas F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: NSSL

May 22, 1981 – Cordell, Oklahoma F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: NOAA

May 19, 1982 – Pampa, Texas F3 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Jim Leonard

May 13, 1989 – Hodges, Texas F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Charles Doswell

Mar 13, 1990 – Hesston, Kansas F5 (tornadoes that day)
Video: KSNW 3 Wichita

April 12, 1991 – Pond Creek, Oklahoma F3 (tornadoes that day)
Team: Howard Bluestein

April 26, 1991 – Billings/Red Rock, Oklahoma F4 (tornadoes that day)
Video: StormStock

May 5, 1993 – Hooker, Oklahoma F3 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Robert Prentice

July 21, 1993 – Last Chance, Colorado F3 (tornadoes that day)
Video: BNVN

June 2, 1995 – Dimmitt, Texas F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Robert Prentice

(part 2) (part 3)

June 8, 1995 – Kellerville, Texas F4 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Jim Leonard

April 19, 1996 – Jacksonville, Illinois F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: KSTP-TV

May 25, 1997 – Perth, Kansas F2 (tornadoes that day)
Video: moviemagg

May 30, 1998 – Spencer, South Dakota F4 (tornadoes that day)
Video: William Reid

May 3, 1999 – Bridge Creek, Oklahoma F5 (tornadoes that day)
Video: Scott Currens

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Information lead and forecaster for the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

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